How to make your next family camping trip more fun

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Are you planning a camping trip or adventure with a reluctant family this summer? You may be wondering how you can ensure that your camping trip is fun, exciting and enjoyable for everyone. Here are some easy tips to help make it happen.

Invite others

One of the many ways that you can help to make sure that your next camping trip is a fun and exciting one is by inviting some extra friends or family members to come along.

This might be another family, your children's school friends or extended family members. When doing so, you do not necessarily all have to share the same campsite either. Having separate sites may allow you to have fun and a little bit of privacy all at the same time.Also, you can always invite your friends or family members up for a day and they can head home happy while you tuck in under the stars for the rest of your time away.

Make use of the park

Another way you can help to make sure that your next camping trip is fun and exciting is by making use of all that is offered at your campground and nearby trails and parks.

For instance, if your campground has boating or fishing facilities, you may consider packing or renting some gear for a day on the water. The same can be said for going hiking, swimming, or exploring the beaches and bush.When you pay a camping fee at a campground, you are essentially paying to access all of the services, facilities, and activities that are offered to you; therefore, you should make good use of them. You will also likely find many to be fun and exciting.

Research and plan ahead

Although most National Parks in NSW and around Australia have extensive swimming, hiking, and nature trails and activities, you may still be looking for more.

This is most likely to be the case if you are planning on taking an extended camping trip or heading somewhere new. To ensure that you don't get bored, take the time to do some research on nearby activities both in and outside of the park that you're staying is.This might include day trips to neighboring parks, waterfalls or trails, or even exploring nearby local towns to restock on supplies and skip prepping a lunch for the day.

Fill your belly

With an outdoor adventure comes a lot more physical activity during the day, and quiet time in between.

Bringing lots of food is a great way to make sure that your next camping trip is a fun and exciting one, and is a genuine excuse to enjoy quality food that you'll find plenty of time to prepare and fill your empty bellies. What you will want to do is make sure that you not only have enough food for your family, but for guests as well.

You may want to think about inviting your neighbouring campers over for dinner or even just a snack which will not only help you spice up your camping trip a little bit, but you may also be able to develop new friendships and trail buddies for the kids to play with.

Make it memorable

Another way that you can go about making your next camping trip a bit more exciting is by documenting it. You'll likely be spending some extended periods of time bonding with your partner and kids doing activities together that you normally don't get to do.

So bring a camera or a video camera with you to keep track of all the things you've done, and this will likely provide you with a lot of fun and excitement all on its own when you watch over the day's activities back at camp.

Bring toys

Toys could be things like board games, books, cards, coyts or a ball that you can play around the fire or campsite between other activities or when it's dark.

It's also extremely beneficial having some of these items available when the weather doesn't play along and it gets too hot, wet or windy to enjoy everything the bush or beach has to offer.For the kids this might mean giving in to some modern luxuries and packing a handheld game or smartphone just for these quieter times, until they get a bit older or more adventurous to appreciate the great outdoors.

Seek the adventure

Perhaps, the best way to go about making sure that your next camping trip is a fun and exciting one is by just letting loose and having fun.

What you need to remember is that your camping trip is not only a trip, but an adventure and a holiday rolled into one. Whether you are camping for only one night or two weeks, you will want to remember to have fun, as you will soon have to return to your everyday life again and and all that is associated with it.

Ella Harper

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.