Minnesota Permit to Carry

The hype over gun control laws over the past few years has been winding down, and it’s reflecting on gun permits. Over the past year minnesota permits to carry, the amount of issued has dropped. Every month, Minnesota Association of Defensive Firearm Instructors requests and publishes the number of active Minnesota carry permits from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety.

Report of valid permits for applications received from 05/01/2003 to 4/30/2015 and valid on or before 4/30/2015 for all the counties. Total Valid Permits: 194,905 (See MADFI Report).

Where can I get a permit to carry application?
Applications can be available at the county sheriff’s office and on the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension website.

What are the requirements for getting a permit to carry?
  • Must be at least 21 years of age
  • Must complete an application form
  • Must not be prohibited from possessing a firearm under Minnesota Statute 624.714
  • Must not be listed in the criminal gang investigation system
  • Must be a resident of the county from which you are requesting a permit, if you reside in Minnesota. Non-residents may apply to any Minnesota county sheriff.
  • Must provide certificate of completed authorized firearms training. Training by a certified instructor must be completed within one year of an original or renewal application. (624.714, Subd. 2a)
What is the cost for a permit to carry?
The fee for a new permit to carry will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $100. A fee for a renewal permit (applied for before the expiration date of a current permit to carry) will be determined by the county sheriff, not to exceed $75. An additional $10.00 fee will be charged for those applying for a renewal after the expiration date on the previous permit, but within 30 days of that expiration date.

How long is my permit valid?
New and renewal permits are valid for five (5) years from the date of issuance. Emergency permits are valid for 30 days.

What would prevent me from getting a permit to carry?
Any applicant who does not meet the criteria as listed above is not eligible for a permit to carry a pistol. The sheriff may also deny the application if there is a substantial likelihood that the applicant is a danger to himself/herself or others if issued a permit to carry.

Where is my Minnesota permit valid?
Minnesota permits are valid throughout the state of Minnesota. Individuals interested in determining whether a Minnesota permit to carry is valid in another state should contact that state directly to determine what the carry laws are. You may also find other resources on the Internet to assist you.

Do I need to have my permit with me when carrying Defensive Handgun?
Yes, the permit to carry holder must have the permit card and a valid driver’s license, state identification card, or other government-issued photo identification in immediate possession at all times when carrying a pistol and must display the permit card and identification document when requested by a peace officer.

What do I do if my permit card is lost or destroyed?
The permit to carry holder must notify the issuing sheriff’s office within 30 days of having lost or destroyed the permit card. Failure to do so is a petty misdemeanor. The permit holder may obtain a replacement permit card by paying $10.00 to the sheriff.

If I have a permit to carry a pistol do I have to conceal the pistol?
No. Minnesota’s Personal Protection Act is a permit to carry law, not a conceal and carry law. The pistol does not need to be concealed, but can be concealed.

Where can I get a permit to purchase or transfer a gun?
The application can be found on here, at your local police department, or if there is no local police department, at your county's sheriff's office. It must be filed with your local police department, or if there isn't one, with your county's sheriff's office.

When does my permit to carry expire?
Any 5 year permit expires at 12:00 A.M. midnight on the date of expiration listed on the permit.

Where do I renew my permit?
Permits must be renewed at the county sheriff’s office in the county where the applicant currently resides. Out of state permit holders can renew at any sheriff’s office.

Where can I find a Certified Permit to Carry classes?
The Easiest way to find an Certified Permit to Carry Training Classes is, ask to your friends and family member who had already participate on permit to carry training and obtained permit to carry.

If you unable to find any suggestions from friends and family, you can search on the internet for Minnesota Permit to Carry Training Classes certified by the Minnesota Department of Public Safety and taught by experienced, certified instructors.

Ella Harper

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.